


    17 syllables
    bm 1998





This feature is on indefinite hiatus. Please send me some e-mail if you'd like to be notified in the event of its reincarnation.

I have been able to maintain infosift over the last sixteen months thanks to a very specific set of circumstances in my life. Those circumstances, as circumstances are wont to do, are changing.

I would be remiss if I allowed infosift to fall by the wayside without citing its primary influence. During its short lifespan, Michael Sippey's Filtered For Purity was smart, timely, and concise -- all virtues I have striven toward here.

I am especially grateful to Peter Merholz and Cameron Barrett for their early and ongoing support. Barely a year has passed since I forwarded to Cameron a dozen URLs of sites similar to ours. I don't think either of us expected that list, from the rant that followed to its eventual form as the massive CamWorld sidebar, to kick off the tempest-in-a-teapot known as Weblog Mania '99.

But despite the hype (and the metahype), the explosion of interest in weblogs has brought me into contact with some terrific people -- Brad Graham, Rafe Colburn, Fred Pyen, the inimitable Rebecca Blood -- whose wit and creativity have challenged and delighted me on a daily basis. Of course, there are many others; but take one look at the page of only weblogs and see how hard it can be to pick favorites.

Well, this is starting to read like an Oscar speech now, so I'll stop here. To everybody else, whether you tipped me off to a good link, or sent along a note of encouragement, or just stopped by from time to time: Thanks.

See you around the Web.

Jesse James Garrett
22 November 1999